Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions!
How do I apply for dual enrollment?
Your first step is to submit your application to Montco. Be sure to choose ‘High School Dual Enrollment’ as your program of study.
Once your application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with your new student ID number within 24-48 hours. If you do not receive your student ID within 48 hours, please contact our IT Support Services for assistance
What are the benefits of dual enrollment?
Taking dual enrollment classes allows you to earn college credits while you are still in high school. These credits can be transferred to a four-year college or university; however, you should contact your intended college's admissions office to ensure that your credits transfer completely.
Taking dual enrollment classes allows students to:
- Save time and money
- Earn college credits while still in high school
- Transition from high school to college with ease
- Work towards accelerated degree completion
Can I meet with an Academic Advisor?
Unsure about your class selection or considering transferring to another institution in the future? Our Academic Advising team is here to help! By connecting with an advisor, you can align your educational goals and ensure you're on the right track.
Schedule an appointment with an advisor via Starfish
If you haven't been assigned an advisor yet, simply browse through the My Success Network to choose one based on your program or areas of interest.
What is the cost of taking a dual enrollment class?
All dual enrollment courses taken at the High School, at Montco, or online, are as follows*:
- In-County: $223.00 per class
- Out-of-County: $399.00 per class
- Out-of-State: $575.00 per class
* Students attending Partner Schools, including out-of-county Partner Schools, will pay the in-county rate.
How do I register for a class?
Once you've applied and receive your confirmation email with your Montco student ID number, you are ready to register.
If you plan to take your class(es)
- At your high school, complete the online registration for high school dual enrollment courses.
- At Montco, either on campus or online, complete the online registration for dual enrollment courses at Montco.
Note: You will need your Montco student ID and user login information created during the application process. You should also inform your parent or guardian that they will receive a parental release form via email which requires a signature authorizing permission for you to take the class(es).
What does it mean to Audit a course?
Audit indicates that the student has registered for the course for no academic credit. The College's Registration Calendar outlines specific dates associated with the audit process. The course instructor determines and communicates expectations and work required. Students who do not meet the instructor's expectations will receive an "AW." Some courses may not be audited. If a student plans to transfer credit to another institution, the course must be taken for academic credit.
What if I am waitlisted for a class?
Students should register early for courses to get the schedule and sections they need. You will be notified through your Montco Student email if you are waitlisted for a class.
You will receive an email with your next steps if a seat becomes available. Students must email within 24 hours of when that email was sent to claim their seat. After this time, the seat is offered to the next person in line.
How do I pay my bill?
Visit our Payment Information page for details on paying for your course.
When is payment due?
Payment is expected before the first day of class or upon registration for your course when registering for classes at your high school.
Students should monitor their Montco email addresses for payment notices and deadlines.
How can I give my parents or guardians access to my records?
You can grant your parents, guardians or other users online access to view and pay your bill. Please click this link to begin that process.
Once you have authorized access, your parent or guardian will receive an email notification
from containing a username and password.
How do I drop a class?
When considering a drop or withdraw from a course, it is important to review dates and deadlines.
Courses taken at High School:
To drop a class taught at your high school, please fill out our paper Drop/Withdrawal form. Complete the form with the action code "D" and secure the appropriate signature from your high school. Email the form to
- This form is only for students taking courses at their High School.
- Registration Calendar for courses taught at the High School
Course taken at Montco:
To drop a course taught at Montco, including online, please visit Montco Connect and complete the Registration Assistance form. This form can be located by typing “Registration Assistance” into the search bar.
- If you have trouble finding or accessing the Registration Assistance form, please contact our IT Support Services for assistance.
- Dates and Deadlines for courses taken at Montco
NOTE: Dual Enrollment students may not use Self-Service to drop their course(s).
How do I withdraw from a class?
When considering withdrawing from a course, it is important to review dates and deadlines.
Courses taken at High School:
To withdraw a class taught at your high school, please fill out our paper Drop/Withdrawal form. Complete the form with the action code "W" and secure the appropriate signature from your high school. Email the form to
- This form is only for students taking courses at their High School.
- Registration Calendar for courses taught at the High School
Course taken at Montco:
To withdraw from a course taught at Montco, including online, please complete our online Withdrawal form. If you have trouble finding or accessing the Withdrawal form, please contact our IT Support Services for assistance.
Dates and Deadlines for courses taken at Montco
NOTE: Dual Enrollment students may not use Self-Service to withdraw from their course(s).
How do I request an official transcript?
Learn more
How do I order Books?
Visit the Online Bookstore page for instructions.